L\' Ecurie du Coteau de Thairy

for 10.14 PPC.port.of.the.popular.SeaMonkey.browser..app how download

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35840 KB; SeaMonkey for PPC; -hj-; Browsers; Internet


SeaMonkey for PPC is a Web browser that shares much of the same base code as the popular Firefox Web browser. It also contains an advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editor.
Since Mozilla has stopped supporting PPC on Macs, I have picked it up and provide the only SeaMonkey version runnable on G4/G5 based Macs.
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to deliver production-quality releases of code derived from the application formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite". Whereas the main focus of the Mozilla Foundation is on Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird, our group of dedicated volunteers works to ensure that you can have "everything but the kitchen sink" and have it stable enough for corporate use.
Get those PPCs out of the closets and back online!

New! version 3.26-SeaMonkey-for-PPC-WdxR.tar.gz {36556 kbytes}

Featured 10.11.4 Rin.SeaMonkey.for.PPC.vers.2.28.tar.gz {39065 kbytes}

New Mojave 5KM.VERSION.2.27.SEAMONKEY.FOR.PPC.DMG {36198 kbytes}

Featured! version version-4.26-SeaMonkey-for-PPC-hbyRM.zip {42291 kbytes}

for Mojave SEAMONKEY_FOR_PPC_VER_2.30_HGTJ5.TAR.GZ {43008 kbytes}

Mac mini fssvw.vers.2.29.seamonkey.for.ppc.pkg {42649 kbytes}

Official: https://sourceforge.net/projects/seamonkey-for-ppc

New 10.14.2 V-3.7-GISTPAL-YUHC.PKG 4.7

Featured for 10.14.2 V-1.8.4-COMMANDER-ONE-PRO-PACK-YGMXDQ.PKG 2.7.4

Recomended to Sierra Z6J_MYTHOUGHTS_VER_1.6.0.ZIP 1.4.2

on MacBook CodeRunner_version_3.0.5_RMiB.tar.gz 3.1.1

Recomended! version Between_The_Worlds_II_-_The_Pyramid_ver_1.0.3_uEs19.tar.gz 1.3.2
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